
Jono's Journal

Who are you?

A deep question I know...

I often believe I have the answer.

I think, compared to many others, I can answer it confidently.

But I recently realised I haven't been my authentic self.

A lot of successful personal brands often say, if you want to grow a community and help other like minded people, you need to show up authentically, talk about what you're truly passionate about, share your wins and failures.

Not only does this create relatability to your audience, it makes you grow abudantly in self confidence.

Yet, as much as I know this fact. I still don't do it.

99% of aspiring creators I follow on đť•Ź also don't do it.

99% of humans don't do it.

Which made me realise something about The Self.

There are 2 parts to you Reader

  • The inner self
  • The outer self

The inner self: is where your raw values, beliefs and authenticity lie and the self expectations you have.

The outer self: is where your values, beliefs and authenticity are shaped by what people expect of you.

It's you vs the tribe.

Who you want to be vs who you're expected to be.

So how do you become your authentic self inside and outside?

The answer I believe is finding how to make these 2 parts co-exist in harmony.

The problem is we're not fully conscious of the outer self behaviour. Carl Jung explains this phenomenon as "The Persona"

We're wired to adopt an external persona in order to navigate life and social interactions.

How do you become conscious of our "Persona"?

Self reflection.

For me, thats Journaling.

Every day I write in my journal and even though there's 1000s of questions I asked myself, these are the most impactful for my own self discovery:

  • How I am feeling?
  • Why am I feeling this way?
  • What desires do I have that I'm ignoring?
  • What happened today, what lessons did I learn?

If you keep a track record of these answers, over time you'll start to see how what you truely desire inside is not being adopted by your persona.

It will make you look for ways you can bring more of yourself out into the world.

It helped me realise that my persona not only in real life but online was not truly authentic. My brand was built off what I thought people wanted me to be.

Standout! - Was a great persona, it reflected the idea of being different and trying to get attention. Part of me still resonates with this idea (me as a younger human), but ultimately it's not the path or the persona I want to wear online.

I'm not passionate about it, is the short answer.

Whats the brand now?

Self Discover - I'm passionate about psychology, philosophy and human consciousness.

Who are we? What makes us human?

These are questions I've been pondering for the past 10 years of my life. So it makes sense for me to dive deeper into this world and share my understanding about how we work and how we can become better humans.

What can you expect from me?

I'm going to be exploring topics like:

  • Belief
  • Identity
  • Purpose
  • Your Why
  • Authenticity
  • Mindfulness
  • Mental Health
  • Self Awareness
  • Finding your voice
  • Societal Pressures
  • Embracing Change
  • Emotional Intelligence

If this excites you, then then I'm happy to share my journey and experiences with you.

Reader you managed to read this far, you're a legend and thanks for reading. I hope you stick around and learn more about yourself.



Jono's Journal

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